Navigating Culture and Faith: Finding Your Place in the World

It’s Monday—let’s be real, not my favorite day. If you’re anything like me, I’m not a morning person, and I can’t fully function until at least noon. So if you see me before then, just know I’m not mad, it’s just my face before noon!

Today, we’re talking about culture and our place in it—a topic that is deeply personal for me. It’s something I’ve struggled with for years, trying to figure out how to love the Lord and still engage with the world around me. There’s so much in culture that influences us: music, arts, entertainment. Some things make us laugh, some things inspire us, but where do we draw the line? How do we, as Christians, live in the world but not become of it?

Wrestling with Culture and Convictions

I’ve had to take an honest journey with myself to understand where I stand with culture, especially as a creative. I love beautiful things, and as a creative director, I encounter things in culture that are stunning but not necessarily rooted in faith. But here’s the thing: I don’t believe we need to “Christian-fy” everything. Back in the day, the church used to heavily influence culture—arts, creativity, and beauty all reflected God’s glory. So, how do we participate in culture without compromising our faith?

The answer comes down to our relationship with the Lord. The closer we grow to His heart, the less we feel the need to chase after the trends of the world. I’m not saying we can’t enjoy life or have fun, but when you’re rooted in Jesus, the influence culture has over you begins to fade.

Set Apart for a Purpose

1 Peter 2:9-12 reminds us that we are a chosen people, set apart by God. We are called to live such good lives among the world that others see our deeds and glorify God. But being set apart doesn’t mean isolating ourselves from the world. It means we live differently. We are called to influence culture, not be influenced by it.

Think of it this way: An elite athlete doesn’t train like everyone else. Their dedication sets them apart. Similarly, our dedication to the Lord should set us apart from the world. We are here to spread the Gospel and glorify God, not to blend in.

What’s Influencing You?

Here’s the question I want you to ask yourself: What is influencing your heart? Whether it’s TikTok trends or cultural norms, everything around us is trying to sell us something. But not everything is beneficial for your soul. If you find that certain things in culture are affecting your relationship with God, it might be time to step back and reassess.

1 Peter 1:16 says, “Be holy, because I am holy.” Holiness means separating ourselves from the things that hinder our walk with God. It doesn’t mean we stop engaging with the world entirely, but it does mean we need to be mindful of what we let into our hearts.

Convictions and Growth

One of the biggest things I’ve learned is that as you grow closer to the Lord, your convictions shift. Things that once didn’t bother you may start to weigh heavy on your heart. For me, horror movies are a no-go. I can’t handle them, and they affect me spiritually. What we open our hearts to matters. If you’re engaging with something that isn’t drawing you closer to God, you need to ask yourself, “Why doesn’t this convict me?” The closer you grow to Jesus, the more sensitive you’ll become to things that don’t align with His heart.

Building a Deeper Relationship

At the end of the day, our relationship with God is the foundation for navigating culture. Honest conversations with the Lord are critical. You can ask Him anything, bear your heart to Him, and He’ll guide you. I’ve been through seasons of deep pain and confusion, where I didn’t understand what God was doing. But through it all, I learned the importance of staying close to Him and allowing Him to shape my convictions.

So, what are you allowing into your life that’s influencing your relationship with God? How is culture shaping your heart, and are you letting it pull you away from your purpose? I encourage you to take these questions to the Lord and let Him guide you in this journey.

Let’s be a people who are set apart, dedicated to influencing culture for His glory, not letting culture influence us.


The Joy Beyond Trials