The Joy Beyond Trials

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus: Finding Joy Through Perseverance

Yesterday, I had one of those days where everything just felt... off. We've all been there, right? I needed rest, and though I love the Lord, I struggled to even think about diving into this topic—fixing my eyes on Jesus. Funny enough, this is usually an easy subject for me to talk about, but sometimes life throws us off course. We're human, and some days it’s just hard to focus on God. And that’s okay.

I’ve learned over time that it’s perfectly fine to have those days when you’re just not feeling it—those moments where talking to God feels hard. What matters is that we don’t let ourselves live in that space of emotional funk. You can feel it, but you can’t stay there. If you dwell in it too long, you start to believe the lies the enemy is whispering to you—that God isn’t enough or doesn’t care. You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and remember the truth.

Why Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus Matters

There’s so much in life that tries to weigh us down. Whether it’s the opinions of others, or even our own inner battles, there’s a lot we carry. For me, fixing my eyes on Jesus has been a source of constant grounding, and maybe that’s because of my personal story of being adopted. Adoption carries with it a sense of longing—feeling unwanted at times. But when I met Jesus, I learned that I was chosen, loved, and always wanted by Him.

When I fix my eyes on Jesus, I’m looking to the One who has never left my side. Hebrews 12:1-2 speaks so powerfully about this:

_"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith."_

The great cloud of witnesses in this passage refers to the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews 11—people like Abraham and David, who walked in faith despite their circumstances. These are the spiritual giants we look up to. But even they had moments of struggle and doubt. Their faith wasn’t perfect, and neither is ours. But like them, we can fix our eyes on Jesus because He is the author and perfecter of our faith.

Joy on the Other Side of Perseverance

One part of this scripture that always grabs my heart is the phrase, _“For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross.”_ It’s a reminder that while Jesus endured immense suffering, He kept His focus on the joy that lay ahead. There is joy on the other side of our trials too, even when it feels impossible to see.

This hits home for me. When I was younger, my family went through a difficult season where we were constantly moving. It felt like my world was falling apart, and at 15 or 16 years old, that kind of upheaval feels like the end of the world. I didn’t understand why I was caught in the middle of someone else’s choices, and it left me angry—angry at God, angry at my family, just... angry.

But it was during that season that I truly learned how to fix my eyes on Jesus. I learned how to endure. I didn’t have all the answers, and honestly, I still don’t. But through those years of constant upheaval, I learned how to fall in love with Jesus, even when my circumstances didn’t make sense. I learned how to look beyond my pain and trust that joy was waiting on the other side.

Enduring with Faith

If you’ve ever gone through something tough, you know that enduring isn’t easy. It’s not fun, and sometimes it feels downright unfair. But that endurance builds something within you—strength, resilience, and deeper faith. Like the verse says, _"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus."_

Maybe you’re in a season where you feel like you’re enduring something you didn’t sign up for. Maybe life hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would. I’ve been there. But I want to encourage you—enduring doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Jesus is with you in every painful moment, and as you fix your eyes on Him, He’ll guide you through it.

Finding Joy in the Midst of Pain

The real beauty of fixing our eyes on Jesus is that He teaches us to find joy even in the hardest moments. I’ve had times where I was overwhelmed by the weight of my circumstances, where I felt lost and alone. But when I fixed my eyes on Him, I found peace and hope. It wasn’t an instant fix, but slowly, through His grace, I saw that joy really does come in the morning.

For those of you who are struggling to fix your eyes on Jesus, I challenge you to get real with Him. Open your Bible, specifically to Hebrews 11 and 12. Turn on some worship music and have a heart-to-heart conversation with God. Tears count as a conversation too. Jesus wept, so it’s okay if you need to cry it out.

In Conclusion

Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes we endure things that don’t seem just, but through it all, Jesus is faithful. Fixing your eyes on Him doesn’t erase the pain, but it gives you a source of strength and hope that will carry you through. So, if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed today, take a deep breath, open your Bible, and remember that joy is on the other side of this season. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and He will see you through.


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